
The Admissions Policy outlines the process for applying to Holy Faith Clontarf.

The opening date for applications is the first Friday of October of the year prior to admission. Applicants will be notified by early November as to whether they have secured a place or not. Unsuccessful applicants will be advised that they will be on a waiting list and notified of their place on the waiting list.

Parents will be notified if and when a place becomes available but that they should have their daughter’s name with another school. Applicants must indicate in writing that they wish to accept or not accept the place offered.

Girls who are eligible for admission are those who:

1. Have reached the required age (12 on the 1st January in the calendar year following the student’s entry into First Year);

2. Have normally completed Sixth class in Primary School;

3. Accept, in conjunction with their parents/guardians, the school ethos;

4. Accept, with their parents/guardians, the School Code of Behaviour. Confirmation, in writing, is required, that parents/guardians and their daughter accept the Code of Behaviour.


Enrolment Criteria

Students are admitted to the school in the following order:

  1. Students of Belgrove Girls’ National School, Clontarf.
  2. Sisters of present pupils
  3. Sisters of past pupils
  4. Girls residing within the Parishes of St. John, St Anthony and St Gabriel.
  5. Daughters of present staff
  6. Daughters of past members of staff
  7. Daughters of past pupils to a maximum of 25% of places.
  8. Remaining places are offered to girls other than those mentioned above. Places are offered within the resources/facilities available.

In the event that there are two or more students tied for a place or places in any of the selection criteria categories above (the number of applicants exceeds the number of remaining places), the following arrangements will apply:
If, when any particular one of the categories above is reached, the full quota of places would be exceeded if all qualified applicants within that category were accepted, the final places will be filled by means of a lottery involving all the qualified applications within that category. Such lottery will be carried out under the direction of the Board of Management and the Board will appoint an external supervisor to oversee the process.

Admissions Documents

Applications are closed from Friday 27th October 2023.