Posts by Holy Faith Clontarf

First Year Maths Disco 2023

Inter-school Sailing Regatta

Well done to the students from 1st to 5th year that took part in the inter-school regatta in Sutton sailing...

UCD Junior Debating

On Wednesday, Anna Feeney, Rachel Morrissey, Kate O’Callaghan and Ella Wang in 2nd Year competed in Round 1 of the...

Aoibhe Smyth (6th Year) – Jigsaw Youth Advoate

Well done to Aoibhe Smyth, 6th Year, who is on RTÉ news today to send an important message to the government about mental...

Trailblazer Joy Neville

5th & 6th Year LCPE and 3B students had a Teams talk with International Rugby Referee Joy Neville. Former Rugby International Neville has had many...

Match report Holy Faith vs Colaiste Iosagain

On Thursday 28th of September our junior footballers kicked off their season with an away game against Colaiste Iosagain in...

Dawn Walk for Pieta House

Thank you to all who attended the Dawn Walk this morning. Over 400 students, parents, teachers and dogs gathered at...

Dawn Walk for Pieta House

The mental health committee are organising a Dawn Walk, this Friday, 29th September. The school will be open from 6:30am and...

Parents’ Association AGM – Wednesday 4th October

Please find details attached of the Parents’ Association AGM that will take place next Wednesday, 4th October at 7:30pm. Peter...

Lourdes Pilgrimage 2023

Best of luck to seven of our 6th year students who have travelled to Lourdes for the Oblates Pilgrimage – ...