Navy wax jacket
Black, brown or navy low heeled shoes only, may be worn
1st , 2nd & 3rd Year:
Skirt/Grey Trousers Optional
Cream blouse/shirt
Green Jumper
Beige knee socks or tights
Transition Year:
Tartan kilt/Trousers Optional
Cream blouse/shirt
Green Jumper
Navy knee socks or tights
5th & 6th Year:
Tartan kilt/Trousers Optional
Blue blouse/shirt
Navy jumper
Navy knee socks or tights
Available from:
Pender’s, Vernon Avenue, Clontarf
Tel No: 833 7534
Lynch’s of Marino, 130 Philipsburgh Avenue, Marino
Tel No: 837 5225
School Crested Tracksuit Bottoms
Grey hooded top with school crest available in school – €20.00
Plain white T-shirt
The school tracksuit of navy bottoms and grey top with white T-shirt must be worn only on the day students have PE. Runners may not be worn with school uniform.