Welcome to the Holy Faith Clontarf Parents’ Association web page. The purpose of this section of the school website is to let parents know more about the Parents’ Association.
As a parent of a daughter in the school you are a member of the Parents’ Association. As a Parents’ Association we strive to do what we can to play our role as part of the school community, working together to give our daughters the best possible secondary school experience. We represent the views of parents and provide a channel of communication between the school and the parents. The Parents’ Association also raises funds to invest in projects and facilities that will enhance your daughter’s experience at the school.
The detailed Aims and Objectives of the Parents’ Association are described in our constitution.
Contact Us

Parents’ Council Executive and Meetings
The Parents’ Council meets the first week every month, alternating Tuesday and Wednesday evenings 8pm.
All parents in the school are members of the Parents’ Association and are welcome to attend this meeting and we encourage as many as possible to do so.
Chairperson: Chair rotating between officers
Deputy Chairperson: Caroline Dalton
Treasurer: Emer Spillane
Secretary: Julie Manahan
Communications Officer: TBC
New members are always welcome.
Parents are also invited to add their name to a list of ‘helpers’ who may be available to help out at certain events annually without committing to attendance at monthly meetings.
We can be contacted at on Whatsappor on paholyfaithclontarf@outlook.ie if you would like to be added to the helpers list.
Role of the Class Rep on the PA Committee
Parents can volunteer to act as a point of contact for their daughter’s class to help with informal networking of parents for the period of one academic year. This is especially important for parents of First Years and new students to the school.
The Class Reps can put forward items for discussion at monthly P.A. committee meetings on behalf of their year group / class.
The role of the Class Rep is a great way for parents to become involved in the Parents’ Association, bring attention to issues of interest to parents and gain insight into the activities of the P.A. Class Reps will be invited to volunteer for the role at the first meeting following the AGM each year.
Email paholyfaithclontarf@outlook.ie to make contact with your class rep.
The Parents’ Association run a variety of events each year including:
- Organise talks of interest for parents and students. At our annual talk guest speakers have presented on subjects such as Study Skills Mental Health, Use of the Internet, and Drugs Awareness.
- Host social and fund-raising events for parents. Organise and support fund raising events to contribute towards improvements to the school. In the past the Parents’ Association has made contributions to study skills courses for the girls, CAO information talks for the parents; practical items such as equipment for the home economics rooms and science labs, trips to sporting events and the school gym.
Our regular fundraising activities have included:
- Annual Table Quiz (March) – this is a great event which proves to be a valuable fundraiser in addition to being a great (and sometimes quite competitive!) night out for parents.
- Annual Parents’ Lunch (November) – a wonderful opportunity for parents to meet in a social setting and enjoy lunch while listening to an interesting speaker.
We offer help with annual school events (such as 6th Year Graduation and annual TY show):
- Pre-Debs reception – we host a special evening in the school where that year’s Leaving Certificate class get to gather at the school for one last time, with their parents, before heading out to their Debs Ball.