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ISPCC free ‘What is Coco’s Law’ webinar for parents/carers & practitioners
April 16, 2024
Please find a leaflet with information regarding the upcoming FREE online webinar What is Coco’s Law – A webinar for parents/carers & practitioners.
Under the Harassment, Harmful Communications and Related Offences Act, Coco’ s Law created new offences which criminalise the non-consensual distribution of intimate images prohibiting the sharing of intimate images without the original poster’s consent.
This important webinar will focus on awareness and understanding of Coco’s Law, recognition of the issues that it covers & guidance on how to avail of its provisions (reporting). Keynote speaker on the night is Fiona Jennings, Head of Policy & Public Affairs with the ISPCC.
It takes place on Tuesday April 30th at 7pm. Registration is now open